Tuesday, January 31, 2012

January Health and Fitness Update

How in the world have we reached the end of January?  I'm still waiting for 2012 to begin, and here we're already 1/12 of the way finished.   Yikes!

So how did I do with my health and fitness goals this month?  Middling, at best, to be honest (which I have to be, since what's the point otherwise?).  Let's take a more specific look:

1) Complete a 45 minute cardio workout at least 3 times a week.

Yup, this was a very good goal.  Definitely didn't make it, though.  Started the month off with a sinus infection and allowed that to be an excuse for much longer than strictly needed.  I did learn some things, however, which is the point.  First, it's much easier to get a workout in on the weekends, because Stan and I often hike or do things together.  So apparently I need a buddy.  Second, if I haven't worked out by 10 a.m., I am just plain not going to do it.  Once the day gets rolling, there are too many excuses.  Therefore, I need to get my workout out of the way first thing.

I'm taking these lessons into February, where I hope I can show improvement.

2) Drink at least 6 (8 oz) glasses of water a day.

I did much better here for someone who drinks basically nothing at all (except wine - I'm very good at that).  21/31 days I managed to drink all six of my glasses, with only minimal whining and complaining. However, and here's the really impressive thing, I managed to drink SOME water every single day.  I'm ordering - and actually drinking - more water out at restaurants, and basically paying more attention all the way around.

So while perfection wasn't achieved, I'm feeling much more mindful about my fluid consumption and optimistic about my continued success drinking water.  I make no promises about the whining, though!

Look for my February goals tomorrow!

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