Sunday, January 1, 2012

January Health and Fitness Goals

Happy New Year, everyone!

It feels productive to be posting on January 1.  It feels productive to be doing pretty much anything on a Sunday morning, especially a holiday morning.

Without further ado, my health and fitness goals for the month of January...

1) Complete a 45 minute cardio workout at least 3 times a week.

I'm blithely ignoring the fact that this should already be happening, because that way lies self-recrimination and perceived failure.  Instead, I'm reaffirming that, as a small step in the correct direction, what a wonderful habit I'll have established in the next 31 days.  And hey, I have a free gym with this apartment.  Might as well use it before we find that dream house!

2) Drink at least 6 (8 oz) glasses of water each day.

I'm horrible about drinking water.  Or anything, really.  I'm sure I spend my life partially dehydrated.  However, every time I commit to drinking more water, it also means I commit to spending more time running to the loo.  I've heard your body adjusts, but when your body is expected in a classroom to deter mayhem, you don't always have time for adjustments ;-)  But now I do.  So.  Water.  In January.  Lots of it.  At least, lots for me.

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